Project proposal TL01000162 (Citizenship 4.0: Data-driven management of civic and public services) to the 1st public tender of the Program for supporting applied social science and humanities research, experimental development and innovation ETA.

The 4th Industrial Revolution will affect legal sciences, education, employment, ways of communication, expand the economy, and has a less positive face, or even threaten to create a new e-totality. In the political field, it is dealt with by various researchers, but it is this project that follows up with this researcher and expands the ideas of solving social problems using procedures from technical practice. Today's elections and referendums seem as outdated to correspondents as correspondence chess. The vision / project is revolutionary.
The benefit for applicants is, thanks to the funds obtained and the prestige of the grant, the possibility of expanding the processing of partial calculations and links through cooperation with academic workplaces and in a given breadth of the project for a given time until 2020. After 4 election campaigns with the active participation of the researcher as a leader and coordinator, the researcher is familiar with the practical knowledge of citizens across age, area and social strata and the application of the vision will increase involvement in civic, social, economic and cultural life. The most powerful weapon is information.
The aim of the project and the purpose of the support is the possibility of obtaining feedback from citizens after presenting the vision of a "self-employed person in citizenry" as a more effective political force than current political parties - the so-called „one-member political parties“. The intention is to create a more efficient system in the provision of civic and public services and more optimal structures in their provision for the ever-living generation of citizens and making them the most satisfied and happiest. With the ambition of projecting this vision into the future "eGovernment Action Plan 2021 - 2025". Currently, the systematic collection of information, launched in 2014, needs to be completed and algorithmized and structured - see the current situation at The result is then subjected to feedback from professional and non-professional public articles, web and exhibition.
The synergistic effect will be supported by communication on the website, through professional articles and an exhibition. Procedures will be transferred from one area to another (from technical to social) - using innovative SCAMPER, SMART(ER) methods and Industry 4.0 trend tools. The need for the project and this vision is given by the fact of the declining level of the number of members of political parties and their credit among citizens.
The project fulfills the given priority research goal "use of data and IT technologies in increasing participation, links to the needs of citizens, equal access to public services" by transferring procedures from technical practice to social sciences - LCC, RAMS, BIM as examples from tools and practices of Industry 4.0.
The basic idea is that until a citizen learns to manage his life, he will need government. And in order to learn to manage his life, he needs clear information and calculations, which service is cheaper or more advantageous for him (or makes him happier) and whether it should be provided through the public sector.
The project defines a vision in which citizens are allowed to have the same power over the authorities as the authorities now have over the citizen. It is about defining disruptive social innovation or technology (a radical change in technology that transcends and displaces existing technology).